Sunday 5 February 2012

'Oh' and 'Dear'

My life has changed once again. I don't expect people to understand, and I will not ask them to understand. I will move forwards as alone as necessary. I see things fall by the wayside to be left behind, and it is fragments of life. It is normal, natural, sometimes hurtful. There is so much going on, so many things that interest me and sufficient people, that I simply cannot spread myself, one person that I am, far as I'd like to be able to. Letting people down is not easy nor fun, but I suppose we will always make choices that will be met by both cheers and grumbles from the audience we have at any given moment. When you see things fall behind behind you, you can barely believe it can be managed.

I excel at absorbing life, whether it be beauty and positive happenings or the complete opposite of those. I see the importance of all. I analyse hurting people, whether it is done by me or others. It is unavoidable at times, others are through sheer lack of thought. I do feel we can work things out and solve many problems that are born, if we focus together.

I have much more to say, a million things are on the tip of my tongue, all fighting over the short space on there, to be spoken, into the silence of my solitary flat, or into the ears of all the people who are not here, who are out there beyond these walls. For now, I shall curb the instinct to go further, I shall sit on my words, I shall ponder certain things still more, and the others can form a queue. One thing at a time, my dear, one thing at a time.

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