Saturday 18 February 2012

The Design Flaw

We are merely spectators, watching everything go by. We are the most powerful race on earth, at least we are told, on paper (on paper that we can read, and other creatures cannot), we have everything at our finger tips, we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams, and yet we blow it. We drop the pennies down the well, we lose marginally, but with style. Our alleged superior intelligence leads to greed and arrogance that comes with power. We become lost and blind to what counts, what matters, the gorgeous world around us. We succumb to nothingness, we fall into oblivion, we display a lack of understanding of the soul of things. Everything is beyond our own bodies, yet most look inward. All happiness is in the mirror - the eyes of others, yet we dwell on our own picture, nothing grander and greater in the whole frame of events. If we could see beyond the reach of the eyes we would never suffer as we do.

We search for what doesn't exist, manipulated and directed by the media and people who think money is the key to happiness and possessions to being able to demonstrate knowledge and success. We fall time and again, we forget to breathe with any dignity. We follow the trodden path, we trust not our wonderful human instincts and nature's gloves. It must be a design flaw. It must be the lack of love we have for the soul. We could be so much better looked after. Who of us will take any of our monetary riches with us? Who of us will take anything other than love and peace when we leave this earth and our present bodies? How are we convinced of such shallow waters? Why do we follow? When will we be broken and never return?

We as a race. I hasten to add I have no intention of following, but maybe I shall fall down too. I will meet my end, be stolen from this tragic place, this heaven of sorts. I would like to fight, as a warrior, for what I believe. Fighting by being, by hoping and never losing light, no matter the darkness that consumes, that comes for my bones. I believe there is a design flaw, but I don't see why it has to be a concrete law. I would like to fight until the end, for what I believe in. Whether I am unique in my standpoint, or whether three people or seven billion other people agree, I will carve this path. Fill yourself with hope, it can take you anywhere! Bless the shoes and socks that take you there. The journey never ends.

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